The average gross monthly salary by region in Spain

The gross monthly average salary of spanish workers in 2017 was 1.889 euros, 0.6% more than the previous year, according to data just published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The salaried population in 2017 was 15.682,300 people.

The INE report also indicates the median salary in Spain in 2017, which stood at 1.590.3 euros, 4.2 euros less than the previous year. The average salary is obtained by adding all the salaries and dividing them by the number of workers. In contrast, the median salary is the figure obtained by dividing all workers in two equal parts, leaving one half above the median salary – 1.590.3 euros – and the other half below that gross monthly amount.

By Autonomous regions, the highest gross monthly average wage was obtained by the Basque Country, with 2.208.8 euros, ahead of Madrid (2.191.7 euros) and Navarra (2.177.8 euros). The autonomous cities of Melilla and Ceuta were also at the top. In fact, Melilla topped the average salary ranking with 2.475.8 euros, while Ceuta ranked fifth with 2.115.4 euros. Catalunya occupied the sixth place with an average monthly gross salary of 1.992.9 euros.

In the lower part of the ranking there are Andalusia (1.681.3 euros), Comunitat Valenciana (1.677.8 euros), Canarias (1.606.6 euros) and, closing the ranking, Extremadura with 1.583.4 euros per month.

Below are shown -on a graph and on the map- the data of all the autonomous regions:


The following interactive graph shows the evolution of the gross monthly average salary for each autonomous region and for the whole of Spain during the last six years.