Name of company: NoviCap
Name and position of the person responding:
Federico Travella, co-founder and CEO
Marc Antoni Macià, co-founder and COO
Nicolas Overloop, co-founder and CTO
Brief description of company and business model
NoviCap is the leading online platform for financing invoices and promissory notes. Thanks to the developed technology, it is able to calculate the credit risk of companies instantly and offer financing in 48h.
Its business model is based on a marketplace that connects companies seeking financing with high-net-worth institutional and private investors seeking short-term profitability.
CEO + Founding team. Brief description of trajectory
The company was founded by Federico Travella (CEO), former CEO of Rocket Internet in Southeast Asia; Marc Antoni Macià (COO), former director of strategy at Westwing and founder of Palila; and Nicolas Overloop (CTO), first Geckoboard engineer with extensive experience in online marketplaces.
Marc Antoni Macià és un jove empresari que, com molts altres, va trobar dificultats per fer créixer la seva empresa Palila, una empresa d’accessoris de moda i tecnologia que s’enfrontava a períodes de cobrament d’entre 60 i 90 dies imposats pels seus clients més grans. En el Programa de Talent Jove (ITP) de l’IESE, Macià es va reunir amb Federico Travella i van començar a explorar el problema. Nicolas Overloop, la ment tècnica de l’equip, es va unir al projecte i van començar el seu viatge per crear una solució de finançament per a les empreses a Europa. Amb un equip de 30 joves professionals internacionals, NoviCap opera a Espanya (oficina central a Barcelona), Regne Unit (oficina central a Londres) i els Països Baixos.
Marc Antoni Macià is a young entrepreneur who, like many others, found it difficult to grow his company Palila, a fashion and technology accessories company that faced collection periods of between 60 and 90 days imposed by its largest customers. In the Young Talent Program (YTP) of IESE, Marc met with Federico Travella and they began to explore the problem. Nicolas Overloop, technical brain of the team, joined the project and began their journey to create a financing solution for companies in Europe. With a team of 30 young international professionals, NoviCap operates in Spain (central office in Barcelona), the United Kingdom (central office in London) and the Netherlands.
Year of incorporation: 2014
No of employees: 31
Management team:
Federico Travella, co-founder and CEO
Marc Antoni Macià, co-founder and COO
Nicolas Overloop, co-founder and CTO
Volum of investment taken in:
Main goals achieved:
- Since the creation of NoviCap in 2014, the company has grown exponentially month by month.
- The company has created the first automatic risk analysis algorithm (normally it takes between 2-3 weeks)
- In the first three months of 2018, it financed more volume than in all of 2017. In May 2018, it opened a market in the Netherlands
Main challenges in the future
- Reach 100M € to finance before finishing 2018
- Position in Europe as a pioneer of financing of working capital
Why did you choose to establish the company in Barcelona?
- It is a very well connected city, with good support for startups and an ecosystem that favors entrepreneurship.
Location: Av. Diagonal 618, 08021, Barcelona
Web: NoviCap
Inspiration? A model, company or business person/entrepreneur?
Simon Sinek, Tim Ferris, Elon Musk, Phil Knight, Spotify, Altassian… There’s a lot of talent around the world!
Recommended book or books
- How to win friends and influence people – Dale Harbison Carnegie
- Little Red Book of Selling – Jefferey Gittomer
- Predictable Revenue – Aaron Ross & Marylou Tyler
What websites do you use to keep informed?
TechCrunch, Bloomberg, The Economist, Medium, The Wall Street Journal
What apps you use most on your mobile?
- Finimize
- Feedly
What else would you like Barcelona to offer?
Easier recruitment, greater benefits for young entrepreneurs and workers to undertake lower cost.