Ten immortal works in the history of the novel

The evolution of a novel stems from myth and oral epic to flow towards the crucial moments like the great novels of the 19th century or capital 20th century works: for example, Robert Musil’s ‘The man without qualities’. Reality blends in with fiction, the characters assert themselves more powerfully than in real life, and exhilarating passages of imagination redirect expertise and knowledge of memory


Bella del señor


Editorial Anagrama. Barcelona, 2006. Translated by Javier Albiñana

The main literary works are generally –as is the case in Sentimental Education– constructed around the impossibility of love, its test, its tragedy, its separation and its eventual end. Few novels narrate married life and happiness. On this issue, with a lush style, revolves around Belle du Seigneur, by Jewish Corfu-born writer Albert Cohen, who wrote his magnificent work in French.