Expanding the Operagoer’s User Experience: Barcelona’s Liceu Opera House connects to broadband

The Gran Teatre del Liceu improves the connectivity experience of subscribers, viewers and operagoers with a new broadband Wi-Fi service by Cellnex Telecom

Cellnex Telecom and the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement to equip the opera house with a new broadband Wi-Fi service. The wireless signal coverage is based on a Smart Wi-Fi system made up of a set of fifty Wi-Fi access antennas located in the main areas of the building, most notably the foyer, the stalls and the Saló dels Miralls hall of mirrors, as well as in the stairways, office floors and meeting rooms, and others.


In the action plan to improve connectivity, the Liceu has also been equipped with DAS technology (Distributed Antennas System) to reinforce mobile voice and data coverage for carriers—including planned future deployment of 5G. DAS technology is a high capacity, multi-operator neutral infrastructure, specially prepared to provide coverage in spaces with a high concentration of users. In this way, either through Wi-Fi network or via mobile broadband, the user can enjoy full connectivity through their mobile device while they are on-site.

The Chief Executive of the Liceu, Valentí Oviedo highlights “the collaboration initiated with Cellnex Telecom, which has let us improve the connectivity for the operagoers at the Liceu, and expand their experience. We want the Liceu to be an open, accessible institution, and that is why we want to provide the user with a window to share their experience at the Theatre, beyond the performance.”

For his part, Toni Brunet, the Director of Corporate and Public Affairs at Cellnex, has focused on their “satisfaction in associating Cellnex’s patronage to the Liceu with the deployment of our expertise as a telecommunications infrastructure operator, while concurrently providing the Gran Teatre del Liceu with state of the art connectivity and broadband data access that will in the future evolve towards the implementation of new standards such as 5G.”


Publicado por
The New Barcelona Post

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