The Catalan capital consolidated its position in 2023 as an international benchmark in innovation and the third most attractive European city for entrepreneurial talent.
Barcelona acollirà un programa d’esdeveniments per enfortir la democràcia a partir del mes de setembre.
Barcelona is leading the State’s progress towards the knowledge economy, and is consolidating its position as a benchmark for innovation worldwide. These are conclusions drawn from the report Barcelona in xifres 2023report, drawn up by the City Council based on studies and rankings published during the year. Among the data included in the document, it is worth highlighting the study of Startup Genome The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2023which places the set of startups as the fourth largest emerging ecosystem in the world.
The main economic indicators generated during 2023 also ranked Barcelona as the thirdeuropean city of choice for setting up astartup,a position it has achieved for the for the sixth consecutive yearbehind London and Berlin, according to StartUp Heatmap Europe. It is also eighth in the ranking World’s Best Cities among the most attractive cities for visitors and entrepreneurs globally.
The city was also recognized in 2023 as the ninth most attractive for digital talent, and the tenth most attractive for experts in this field. Not only that, but the Financial Times report, FDi Cities and Regions of the Future positioned it as the first European city with the best strategy for attracting foreign investment. In addition, the Catalan capital was awarded in 2023 with the European Committee of the Regions award with the EC European Entrepreneurial Region Awardwhich values aspects such as entrepreneurship and resilience.
The city was the fourth most powerful worldwide in the organization of international trade fairs and congresses.
Barcelona also stood out last year in terms of scientific production, in sixth position at the European level. It was also the leading exporting territory in Spain, in a context in which 60% of exports from Barcelona are of an outstanding technological level. The city also maintained its relevant role in the organization of international fairs and congresses, as the fourth most powerful city in the world in this field.
All framed in a Catalonia, which accounts for 22.9% of the innovative companies in Spain as a wholeand in a Barcelona that is facing 2024 with major events, such as the America’s Cupand major projects underway, such as the Ciutadella del Coneixementwhich will turn the urban park into a knowledge and research center.
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