On October 31st is commemorated the centenary of Egon Schiele’s death, who despite his youth...
The opening of the 2018-2019 season at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, with the programming...
A monolith emerges from the marine waters, facing a twilight horizon, crowned by a natural...
Most suitable for the very beginning of the musical season, after the summer break, the...
On August 25th, 1918 Leonard Bernstein was born. We celebrate his most popular compositions, his...
Our most iconic monument, the most Barcelonian and universal, lived from within thanks to Juan...
On August 25th, 1918, Leonard Bernstein was born. One hundred years later, we celebrated his...
On August 25th, 1918, Leonard Bernstein was born. One hundred years later, we celebrate his...
In the 2018 edition of the film series popularized by the object that enables enjoyment,...
Birds are our companions from the very beginning to the end in the cloister of...